Hello all ! :D
know about Glee?
Well, you have to know about Glee! It's one of the best TV show ever. It's umm.. Well, a musical TV show.
Glee's fans called Gleek.
So I'm a Gleek ;)
you really should watch this.
But, it's up to you, you'll like it or not.
Well, Glee is a club at one school -- I forgot what the name-- weell, everybody said it's a freak club.
There's Rachel Berry who wants to be a Star, a Diva.
There's Mercedes who has a beautiful voice & wants to be the next Beyoncé.
There's Artie who can't walk & using chairwheels.
There's Kurt who umm .. Well, gay.
There's Tina who stuttering.
They saved by Mr. William Schuester, one of Glee's member of the past.
Later, Mr. Schuester brings a lot of famous kids on school to enter Glee Club.
Such a cool story.
Highly Recommended :)